16倍 24Bit スーパーサンプリングSDメモリープレイヤーの試作
16x 24Bit Super Sampling SD Memory Player Prototype
photo1. Prototype Super Sampling SD Memory Player
再生可能なファイルフォーマットは、44.1kHz16bitのwavのみで、これを16倍24bitスーパーサンプリング処理(3次自然スプライン関数によるデータ補間処理)してI2S DACであるAK4490でD/Aして出力する。
16倍サンプリングでは44.1k x 16でLRCKが705.6kHzとなり、このときBCLKは705.6 x 64 = 45.1584MHzとなる。今回は水晶発振器に22.5792MHzを使い、MAX10で2倍PLLして45.1584MHzを生成している。
This time, we will introduce a prototype of Super Sampling SD Memory Player.
The supported file format is 44.1kHz 16bit wav, which is 16x 24bit supersampling processing (data interpolation processing by the 3rd order natural spline function) and D/A is output by AK4490 which is an I2S DAC.
The 32-bit microcomputer PIC32MX230F064B is operated with an operating clock of 11.2896 MHz (oscillator is 22.5792 MHz), WAV is read from the SD memory and converted to I2S, and this is received by the Tora Gi MAX10 board (10M08SAE144) to perform 16 times 24-bit supersampling processing. Send to AK4490 as I2S with 705.6kHz sampling.
In 16x sampling, LRCK is 705.6kHz at 44.1k x 16, and BCLK is 705.6 x 64 = 45.1584MHz. This time, 22.5792MHz is used for the crystal oscillator, and 45.1584MHz is generated by double PLL with MAX10.
When performing PLL with MAX10, the source clock must be put in the CLK0 or CLK1 terminal, and P28 (CLK1n) connected to CN5-5, not connected to the main CN1 and CN2 on the MAX10 board. ).
Photo 2 of PIC32 placed under MAX10 shows the implementation of PIC32.
The PIC32 was placed under the Tora Gi MAX10 board, and the ICSP pin header for writing was placed next to pins 1 to 6 of the PIC32. The 14-pin component on the upper side of PIC32 is 74HCU04 used for the oscillation circuit, and the crystal is 22.5792MHz.
Photo 3. SD adapter and OLED unit (SSD1306)
The SD card holder used a microSD to SD conversion adapter. Each signal line is pulled out by soldering directly to the contacts of the conversion adapter.
The display panel used an I2C-connected OLED unit SSD1306.
The reproduced waveform is as follows.
Figure 1. Super sampling 1kHz playback waveform
図2.NOS 10kHz再生波形
Figure 2. NOS 10kHz playback waveform
Figure 3. Super sampling 10kHz playback waveform
図4.NOS 1kHz方形波再生波形
Figure 4. NOS 1kHz square wave reproduction waveform
Figure 5. Super sampling 1kHz square wave reproduction waveform
The sound quality is good for super sampling, and when using an I2S, ΔΣ DAC device for the super sampling DAC, the internal digital filter is turned off, so it seems that the individuality of the device is hard to come out.
The power supply used two 9V AC adapters to form a positive and negative power supply. In this case, the current consumption of the positive and negative power supplies is very unbalanced, about 200mA on the positive side and about 10mA on the negative side (only the negative power supply of the operational amplifier), so it is necessary to consider how to drive it with a battery.
● 20210529 Addendum
・ Addition of negative voltage charge pump circuit by NJW4191 supports single power supply
・ Addition of random music selection function
350 / 200 = 1.75h = 105min
● 20210530 Addendum
A single power supply circuit that uses a charge pump for negative voltage, with AAA size lithium-ion battery ICR10440. An operation test was performed.
The current consumption of the circuit is about 200mA, and the capacity of this battery is 350mAh, so
350/200 = 1.75h = 105min
In other words, it is a calculation that can be used for 1 hour and 45 minutes.
When I actually operated it, it started at 14:45 and ended at 16:27, so it was almost as calculated in 1 hour and 42 minutes.
Photo 4. Operation test with lithium-ion battery
● 20210530 Addendum
・I had a Φ3.5 stereo mini jack for the headphone monitor, but it was inconvenient if there was no variable resistor, so I added a variable resistor and headphone amplifier.
Photo 5. Added headphone amplifier and variable resistor
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